Who is a radical mama? (The Radical Mamafesto*, Part 1)

Who is a radical mama?

A radical mama is not just any mama (not that all mama’s are not awesome in their own unique way) but a radical mama is a nurturing loving mama that is critical of the world she lives in and has established a cohesive set of beliefs based on her rational and intuitive faculties. Thus, a radical mama ‘lives’ her beliefs in order to instill a strong moral fabric in her children and the communities in which she lives or comes from.

In other words, a radical mama [only 1 is enough:)]:

Works towards bringing basic human rights to all children and their mamas and their loved ones.

Stands against any and all injustices including but not limited to: colonialism (in all its post-modern forms), oppression, and persecution of any group of people regardless of ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, religion, creed, sexual orientation, age, and/or socio-economic status.

Despises and works against the corporate exploitation of the planet, its resources, and its mamas and children.

Breaks down one-sided, patriarchal, racist, and/or colonialist paradigms for the sciences, the arts, religion, and/or spirituality.

Recognizes and works against economic and health disparities, especially those linked to racism and colonialist paradigms.

Is non-judgmental.

Seeks to bring voices to the unheard children of the world.

Teaches her children the human qualities of compassion, critical thinking, and moral activism.

Rejects mainstream culture and creates her own set of beliefs and values to live by and guide her children. (Jasmine Vbactivist Lavender).

Summons her inner feminine qualities of love and compassion in facing our predator patriarchal world.

Finds strength in other women, other mamas, and in her own femininity.

*”Mamafesto” coined by Iman Hamam.

**This is an open working document. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me write it! Please write your input and feedback in the comments box and I will edit it into the blog and add your name to the list of authors.

Stay tuned for the radical mamas bill of rights!

Mama’s Holistic Rescue List: Tips for Common Child Ailments

Most childhood ailments and complaints are benign and can be dealt with at home with a few homeopathic remedies and some basic essential oils and tinctures. I’ve compiled a go-to list for all you mamas in one of your desperate moments of need– when you want to help your babies or children and going to the doctor is either not an option, should not be an option,  or you’d rather just deal at home holistically and naturally. It is a short list of acute self-limiting ailments that I expect I will be updating regularly.  The list is based on my experience as both a mama and a homeopath and also collected from various sources in my work as a homeopath.

The general rule of thumb for dosing is to continue repeating the remedy until symptoms are eliminated unless otherwise indicated here.  Unlike conventional medicine, quantity is not what counts, it is the frequency of dosing that is key.

The basic format is ‘fill in the blank’ and is as follows….

When you see___________________ try this  __________________________ first.

Colic:  Lycopodium 6c , Colocynthis 6c, Carbo-Veg 6c (try in this order, give up to 4 doses 5-10 minutes apart before moving to next remedy)
Teething: Chamomilia 6c
Pink Eye: Euphrasia 6c (sipping in a bottle or sippy cup all day and until infection is gone) , AND Euphrasia Tincture diluted Nature’s Answer makes a great one without alcohol!) and applied to eye with a warm or cold compress.
Styes: Pulsatilla 6c. If Pulsatilla fails give, Staphysagria 6c if on lower lid and Graphites 6c if on upper lid.
Open cuts and scrapes,: Calendula 6c (higher if serious or infected) internally, and diluted calendula tincture, lavender oil, and/or tea tree oil topically.
Mouth sores: Mercurius Solubilus 6c
Pus or suppuration: Combine Hepar Sulph 6c, Silica 6c, and Mercurius Solubilus 6c
Colds and Flus:
        At Onset: Oscillococcinum, aconite 6c, propolis, vitamin c, echinacea, zinc
        Once it hits: An awesome British radical mama and doula living and working in Greece shared this with us once in Egypt– *The Snot Blaster– Pulsatilla 30c, Hydrastis 30c,  and Kali-Bichronium 30c  four times a day. 
Fever achy body: Gelsemium 30c
Blows, Bruises, physical trauma: Arnica (the stronger the blow the higher the potency, re-dose every minute for serious trauma until emergency help as arrived)
Blows to head: Combine Symphytum, Natrium-Sulphuricum, Arnica (the stronger the blow the higher the potency, re-dose every minute for serious trauma until emergency help as arrived)
Emotional Shock: Aconite (any potency– seek professional help)
Grief or Loss: Ignatia (any potency– seek professional help)
Puncture wounds: Ledum 30c (Can also be given before or after shots and jabs to reduce inflammation and/or irritation)
And moms this one’s for you! For fatigue headaches that result from lack of sleep especially during the breastfeeding phase take cocculus 30c.
Finally if you are getting more familiar with homeopathy and using it more often at home with your you will sometimes find sticky situations where the remedy picture is not clear. Giving one dose of Sulphur 30c should help clarify the symptom picture for you.
**For chronic illnesses or ailments in you or your baby it is important to consult with a trained homeopath.
***Remember to always listen to your instincts as a mother and seek emergency care or professional help when necessary.
***These are just the musings of a radical mama and are in no way meant to treat or diagnose disease.
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